T & K Factory, `Black Crown: Fury of Magi Wang`s 2 Market Top 1

T & K Factory (TNK Factory, Representative Shine) is developed by a coupon developed by a coupon, and a popular RPG mobile game 'Black Crown: Maggi's Anger' has achieved the first place in Google Play and Apple App Store I said.

CarBridge iOS 15 - How to Install CarBridge for iOS 15 iPhone iPad in 5 minutes (NO JB) The achievement of the first place in the two marketpenties is analyzed that it has been able to respond to users who have a numeric and easy-to-understanding dot graphics, intuitive, easy content, user-friendly operating policies, and intuitive, easy content, user-friendly operations' policy.

T & K Factory and Coupon will be achieved in the Never Lounge, to achieve a Push compensation event, celebration comment event, SNS shared event, etc., and will pay colorful compensation.

First, the Push compensation event will provide 200,000 gold and 1,000 diamond daily by 20,000 gold and 1,000 diamond every day until January 6.

Also, if you comment on the Never Lounge Event Post, we will provide 20 to 20 of the Culture Gift Certificate to 20,000 won to 20 people through the lottery.

Last June 'Black Crown: Castle King's Anger' is a mobile game that is popular as a combination of various skills and a popular game property and is being riding steadily.

On the other hand, 'Black Crown: Magi's Anger' was released in the one-store, and the new server 'Pepperoni', which has been launched, while providing a variety of benefits for the smooth gameplay of new users.


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